Thursday, November 19, 2009

Calzone Rolls - GREAT LUNCH!

1 ½ cups cottage cheese
½ cup Parmesan cheese
Salami – about ½ cup or as much as desired
4 slices of mozzarella cheese
4 Kaiser rolls – split
Fresh Basil – chopped
Tomato – thinly sliced

Heat oven to 325*

Mix cottage cheese, parmesan cheese, salami, & pepper to taste.

Scoop out the rolls and fill them with the cheese mixture.

Divide mixture into 4 and fill rolls with mixture. Leave room for the tomato, basil and mozzarella on top of the rolls. Place the mozzarella, tomato, and a small amount of basil leaves on top of the cheese mixture inside the rolls. Top with some salt & pepper if desired.

Bake on a cookie sheet until cheese is melted. About 10 minutes.

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